Kamis, 25 November 2010

What Happened Denganmu, My Bahasa?

Di pinggir jalan mungkin akan banyak ditemukan tulisan atau toko yang menggunakan bahasa asing misalkan saja Laundry, tailor, dan kafe.  Terus apa yang salah dalam penulisan nama – nama tempat ini?
Tidak ada yang salah memang, apalah arti sebuah nama. Nama bisa dibuat dan diganti apa saja oleh pemilik toko tersebut. Hanya saja penggantian nama dalam bahasa asing ini sangat disayangkan sekali karena ini sekaligus menunjukkan bahwa penamaan dalam bahasa indonesia menunjukkan sebuah gambaran yang kurang menarik. Selain contoh di atas masih banyak contoh yang lain misalnya saja fantasy island, meeting room, students lounge, apartment, canteen, bahkan beberapa tahun yang lalu sebuah perusahan semen yang sudah sangat terkenal di Indonesia mengganti mereknya dari Kujung dan Nusantara menjadi Holcim. Apa yang salah jika menggunakan bahasa.
Sebuah harian ibu kota pernah menyatakan bahwa diperkirakan 90 persen dari 746 bahasa daerah yang tersebar di 33 provinsi di Indonesia akan mengalami kepunahan atau hilang di akhir abad nanti. Didalam harian itu juga dijelaskan bahwa ada sekitar 10 bahasa yang sudah benar – benar hilang. (Media Indonesia, Kamis 8 Juli 2010)
Ini bukannya suatu hal yang tak mungkin terjadi jika kita merasa gengsi dan malu menggunakan bahasa kita dan lebih memilih bahasa asing yang memang kebanyakan bahasa inggris. Apalagi dengan didukungnya oleh remaja-remaja sekarang yang suka mencampurkan bahasa indonesia dengan bahasa inggris dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Misalkan, malas di sebut boring, bapak disebut bokap, ibu disebut nyokap, makan malam disebut diner, akhir pekan disebut weekend, belanja disebut shooping dan seterusnya.
Mengapa nama-nama itu tidak dituliskan dalam bahasa Indoneisa saja. Apakah bangsa ini sudah malu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.Apa ruginya jika nama–nama itu tetap ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Apa kita akan dianggap hina. Tidak, kita tidak akan dianggap hina, bukankah gambaran sebuah nama atau kata tergantung dengan kinerja dari perusahaan atau tempat atau orang itu sendiri bukan di lihat dari nama tersebut dalam bahasa Indonesia ataukah bukan.
Dalam Media Indonesia, 10 Mei 2010 masalah bahasa di tuliskan lagi dalam kolom budaya yang menyebutkan “bangsa yang terancam tak mampu berbahasa sendiri” yang menejaskan tentang penurunan nilai bahasa Indonesia yang menyebabkan Unjian Naisonal kurang berhasil.
Masih ingatkah para pemuda-pemuda Indonesia ini dengan ikrar “Soempa Pemuda” yang diangkat oleh pemuda pada “Konggres Pemoeda” pada 28 Oktober 1928 di Solo pada butir ke tiga yang berbunyi ”Kami poetra-poertri Indonesia, mendjornjoeng tinggi bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia”(kami putra pitri Indonesia, menjunjung tinggi bahasa persatuan bahasa Indonesia). Ini menunjukkan bahwa bahasa merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting bagi sebuah bangsa. “Bahasa menunjukkan identitas bangsa”,”bahasa menunjukkan bangsa”. tanpa bahasa bangsa tidak akan bisa menunjukkan identitasnya kepada dunia internasional sehingga akhirnya bangsa ini akan lenyap dari perhatian dunia.
Dalam era globalisasi ini jati diri bahasa Indonesia yang menjadi sebuah ciri khas dan keunikan tersendiri bagi bangsa sangat penting untuk dipertahankan dan di kembangkan. Sri Danardana, kepala balai bahasa provinsi Riau juga pernah pernah menuliskan” …bangsa ini patut meniru beberapa bangsa Eropa dalam hal pemertahanan bahasanya. Di Belanda, misalnya meskipun di sekolah diajarkan tiga bahasa (Inggris, Perancis, dan Jerman), bahasa Belanda tetap terpelihara dan digunakan dengan bangga. Di jalan raya tidak ada macam-macam tulisan dalam bahasa asing: busway, ring road, underpass, atau three in one seperti di Indonesia….” Jangan sampai jati diri bahasa indoneisa lenyap dimakan zaman. Ditinggalkan karena lebih memilih bahasa- bahasa asing. Sehingga akhirnya bangsa ini kehilangan identitas aslinya. Kebanggan terhadap bahasa Indonesia harus ditanamkan dalam sanubari setiap bangsa Indonesia.

"TLL " The usage of ICT in SMA N 43 Jakarta

            In this 3rd semester, We asked to be a teacher assistant and do teaching practice in SMA N 43 Jakarta. It was my first experience to be assistant teacher and do teaching practise in senior high school. I got a lot of fun, interesting, new experience and know-Ledge there. I observed in first grade of senior high school, it is X1, X2, and X3.
            This school has 4 Floors, Some of the rooms are renovating. In one class they have white board, marker, and 2 fans (but move it so smooth, so we can not feel the wind therefore the class is very hot. They have LCD but it is in the office so, if there is a teacher wants to use it they may take it in principle room.
My mentor teacher has been teaching for 28 years, and next year she will retire. She is Digital Immigrant. So he did not know much about new technology. In language teaching teacher uses white board, markers, books, and etc. She never use digital media. Once, she  told to my friends and I in the school they have a few LCD that can be used by teachers. Because she did not know anything how to use it, how to make a power point presentation so she never use the LCD in learning process. What she do is just follow the text book, submit assignments using a paper, do a practice model such as reading a dialogue in front of the class and write something in a white board.
            I ask the teacher about why don’t teacher use 2.0 technology, blogs, facebook, tweeter,or  others. The teacher just answers that they never use that in language learning. facebook is not for study We cannot use it for study,  what can we learn from facebook. She also do not
know much about facebook, so it better to study using their text book. She said that maybe because she has been old, so she cannot follow the technology updates. She said that,
You as a young generation of teacher you should be much better than me, you should be more creative by use many kind of technology in language teaching.
            From my observations of students, I saw that they have a great handphone, very supportive if we want to use some technology 2.0. To take advantage of this situation if I have to teach the Same lesson I think I can do many thing. As an Example  the most familiar is facebook. Where we can discuss the material in there, I will first create a new account specifically for English language lessons and then I will open forum discussion, I will make a "status" which contained questions or anything that we can discuss. Students can give comment on it and They may discuss it with their friends, share a link, and etc. 


In this globalization era to learn a foreign language "English" became a demand in society. We cannot deny that learning English is a very important thing. So even from kindergarten English already introduces to English. This is also the second language for them. Therefore requires a certain way that must be applied in teaching and learning.
In the Language Teaching Methodologies we know that in language learning must have twelve principle such as, automaticity, meaningful learning, the anticipation of rewards, intrinsic motivation, strategic investment, language ego, self confidence, risk taking, the language-culture, the native effect language, inter language, and Communicative competence.
            One week ago we have done teacher assistance and teaching practice
program. We have observed whether 12 this principle has been applied in teaching and learning or not.
The result shows that from 12 principles, there are 5 principles only applied in the classroom.
1. Automaticity, In class the teacher tried to explain the lessons and provide opportunities for students to talk automatically without thinking about grammar.
2. Intrinsic Motivation, A teacher that I observed  is a teacher who has old age and this year he would retire. The way of teaching that he applied only teacher center learning. That’s why students feel bored and busy with their own activities. however there are still some students  pay attention to the teacher. I see that the student has a strong internal motivation. Because they felt want and need to learn that subject.
3. Strategic Investment, language learning success also depends on the personality of the learner such as effort, attention and their own strategies in learning. Some students have good effort and attention in the class get good achievement in the class.
4. Native language effect, For the language learner Indonesia already embedded in them so even if they learn English, Indonesian style will be mixed in a second language.
5. Interlanguage, In the end of the year teacher always ask the feedback from students to make Some improvement.
            Actually, this report is a little bit difficult for me because the teacher is always using the teacher center learning. When teacher explains the task in front of the class many other students just busy with their activities they shout and discuss other things. Look like there is no  teacher standing in front of class. There is no meaningful learning, nothing Anticipation of reward (reward for learners to keep the classroom atmosphere to keep it interesting), teacher just use and follow the text book. For me it is really boring. Perhaps
, it because the teacher are old and rarely receive training in teaching.
However when we do teaching practice they more respect and pay attention to the class. When we ask them to speak up, write a story and don’t be afraid, they show us that they can do it well. They come in front of the class and present something with high self confidence, and we try to give reward at least say thanks, and good job, great, and etc. we motivate them. In the end of the class some students want us to teach again and again in their class because they said it was really meaningful learning, they feel easier to understand the lesson and it was interesting. This shows us that, this twelve principle is really need in language learning

"PETA" Reflection of Teaching Practice Program

Now, we come to the second week of teaching practice. Although the activities of teaching practice should be done in the second week but I and my partner have started doing teaching practice in the first week on Friday for 90 minutes. Where in the second week we were asked to teach in three classes on Tuesday starting in first hour until the last hour. We teach  in X3 about Narrative for 90 minutes, then X2 about making, approving and canceling appointment for 135 minutes, and the last X2 about announcement for 90 minutes. So if we calculate all, we teach for 360 minutes or same with 6 hours.
Firstly I was very nervous because when I observed in the classroom. I saw a lot of students shouting everywhere when the teacher explains the lesson in front of the class. Only a few people who hear to the teacher’s explanation. Students look bored and don’t care about the lesson. They just busy with their own activity. The students in the class are passive. Therefore we tried to design a lesson plan to make the class more active, using a variety of games and activities that make students interest and be more active in class.
Based on the experience of teaching that I did of course there are effective and not effective way of leaning that happened. According to me I thought the effective of teaching and learning that happened in my class , first is warming up, here by allocating ten minutes, it could invite the attention of our students enthusiasm  and to make they interest to learn. The other activity that effective is about the presentation. We explained the lesson by using power point presentation as the result .it can attract students enthusiastic to hear an explanation from us and make them understand the material more quickly and easily. The other activities such as gallery walk, presentation to the class, acting, and etc. I think it was effective because students can practice their speaking skills, make students more active and make students think creative to create a product.
However, there were also things that are not effective. For example about the presentation using projector it’s need longer time to set LCD. Then in one game that we did “jigshow” where students are not too familiar about things like that. Here they are still not serious when explain or visit to another group. However on the second occasion, students are more respectful and easy to customize.
If I have to teach in this class again with the same condition. Firstly I will prepare the LCD before the class start so it will not need much time. For some activity where the students not too familiar with some activity, I will explain the objective of that activity and make some rules. And at the end of the class I will give them evaluation so they will be more serious.

"PETA" Reflection of Teaching Assistance Program

            In this 3rd semester, we asked to be a teacher assistant in SMA N 43 Jakarta. I observed in first grade of senior high school, it is X1, X2, and  X3. This school has 4 floors, some of rooms are renovating. In one class they have white board, marker, and two fans (but it move so smooth, so we can’t feel the wind therefore the class is very hot. They have LCD but it is in the office so, if there is a teacher want to use it, they may take it in principle room.

One week has passed, I became an assistant teacher, a lot of new things that I got. Talking about effectiveness and ineffectiveness. I think there are still many things need to improve in teaching and learning process by the teacher. Previously she had told me that it’s rather difficult to set an activity in a class because there are 35 to 40 students. In the teaching and learning process teacher seldom use the power point or other tool, because she is not too familiar with this technology. In this week they are studying about recount text and procedure text.
 Based on my observations of what effective teaching is done by the teacher is an activity where the teacher asked the students to come in front of the class to write something and the other activity is teacher ask  some student to read a short dialog in front of the class.  In my opinion it is effective way because here teachers can train students’ ability to speak in front of many people.
What about not effective class room learning?, well, I also find  not effective in the classroom learning, The ineffective  classroom learning is when the teacher explain , or ask something to do, not all students pay attention to the teacher, some students just busy with their own activity, some other shouted loudly in the class, but the teacher didn’t do something to this students to make they become serious in the class.  Beside that The teacher didn’t use an activity to make their students think creatively.
Knowing about this condition, if I have to teach I think, we need an activity where the whole class can join in the class room, not just listen the explanation of teacher, but we need to invite students to join in the teaching and learning process. Last Friday we did it, the teacher ask me and my friend to teach in X3 class, where there are 40 students in the class. And we have to teach recount text, so I designed a lesson plan how to make students pay attention to the class. We decided to choose jig show or gallery walk. You know it well done. Even the vocabulary of students still limited but the students pay more attention to the class activity as a prove they can create their own story based on their experiment (recount text). I’m very happy because some students want us to teach again in their class they said that, “we are very happy when you teach us, because it was interesting classroom activity, and I hope you come to our class next time.” Ouch that’s words make me very happy, it shows that we make some a good new thing for them.

My Senior High School

Here is my Senior high school, I just want to share  it here becouse it was really meaningful for me, my life and it has a relation with what i reach now. Day after day I pass on this place from  6:30 am in the morning until 17.00 in the afternoon. ceremony, study, eat together, do a lot of assignments, and high discipline that managed to deliver me to SSE to reach my future goals become a new generation of teacher. I wanna say really thanks for my principle bu Win Soekarsih and all of my great teachers, thankyou so much for everything u have done. :)

Humanistic_Arti Sebuah Nama

Menurutku sendiri nama ku berarti “Satu” , mungkin karena aku anak pertama.  Mbah google berkata bahwa nama panggilanku berasal dari bahasa Jawa yang  berarti “satu”. Nama ini bisa di pakai untuk anak perempuan maupun laki- laki. Namun sayangnya tak ada definisi yang jelas yang ku temukan untuk nama belakang ku. Sehingga aku menebak bahwa Nama belakangku berarti seorang anak yang yang memiliki hati, dan akhlak yang baik, sopan santun, ranjin menabung dan semua hal yang baik.(berat banget kayaknya Hehehe).  Well let’s ask the Founder, why she gave me this name.....???
Ketika aku terlahir kedunia, ibu memberikan ku nama.......... Untuk memastikan dan mendapat update terbaru, aku menelpon ibu ku dan mananyakan arti namaku padanya sebagai pemberi nama. Dia mengatakan bahwa nama depan ku di ambil dari gabungan antara nama tempat ibu dan bapak ku berasal. Menurutnya nama belakang ku berarti seorang anak yang memiliki hati, dan akhlak yang baik. Tepat seperti apa yang telah ku prediksi sebelumnya. Menurut pengalaman ku nama ini benar – benar cocok dengan kepribadian ku yang nurut semua perkataan orang tua dan menjauhi larangannya ( kadang g juga sich) sehingga hampir jarang di marahi jika di banding dengan adik ku, wah kita 180 derajat berbeda :).
Walaupun asal kata nama ku berasal dari bahasa Jawa. Tapi aku bukan orang Jawa dan tak ada sedikikitpun keturunan Jawa. Nama ku tidak mengandung suatu suku, adat, ataupun agama. However, aku suka dengan namaku dan tak akan menggantikannya dengan nama yang lain, karena walaupun nama ku terlihat simple tapi memiliki makna yang kuat. Mungkin dengan memberikan nama ini ibu ku memiliki keinginan, aku sebagai anak pertama menjadi pemersatu keluarga antara ibu dan bapak ku. Karena dulu tidak tau kenapa nenek dari bapak tidak suka dengan ibu ku. Selain itu dia juga menginginkan aku menjadi anak yang baik. Nama ini akan selalu aku gunakan dalam perjalanan menggapai kebahagian. Thanks Mom J.

PETA Reflection of First Meeting

First day of 3rd Semester with Principles of Effective teaching and Assessment With new classmates. For me It's really interesting. I read the Module and I think this lesson is really important and help me as Teacher candidates to be a good teacher. Today we discuss many things about teacher, such as who is inspiring us, teacher that i like and dislike etc..... I enjoy my first day of 3rd semester as Well.

Scedule for 3rd Semester

09.00 - 11.30 (07) Principle of Effective Teaching and Assesment
13.00 - 14.40 (08) Technology and Language Learning

09.00 - 11.30 (06) Language Teaching Methodologies
13.00 - 14.00 (01) Humanistic Studies 1

09.00 - 11.30 (04) Use of English in teaching : Spoken Language

09.00 - 10.40 (08) Language Teaching Methodologies
13.00 - 14.40 (01) Teaching and Language Learning

09.00 - 11.30 (08) Semantic and Lexicology
13.00 - 15.30 (04) Environmental Education

Hopefully in this semester I can do much better than before. Amin

"If You think You can, You can"
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